Planning the right services in the right way

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Planning the right services in the right way

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Blog content also helps keep your social media presence going — instead of asking your social media manager to come up with brand new original content for social media (or creating that content yourself), your blog can serve as that repository of content. You’re strengthening your social reach with blog content and driving new website visitors to your blog via your social channels. Quite a symbiotic relationship, if I do say so myself.

Many women don’t realize that these changes can happen as young as 35,” says integrative physician Sara Gottfried.Ivan Cordoba

“Somewhere in your mid-30s to early 40s, levels of key hormones shift as the body progresses through perimenopause toward menopause,” says Sara Gottfried, an integrative physician and the author of The Hormone Reset Diet. “Many women don’t realize that these changes can happen as young as 35,” she says. How to fight back? Every woman is different, but the experts agree that dietary supplements and bioidentical hormones can be effective tools.

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